Friday, February 19, 2021

february 19th: snow storm

I wanted to write labels under the photos, but blogger has changed again and I can't write the labels anymore.....the quilt at the very bottom is from a quilter artist who showed their quilt at the Houston Quilt Festival before covid. Sorry I don't have the quilter's name; however, because of the snow storm in tejas I thought I would add it to the blog. Some of the other photos I took sometime ago, but the snow storm photos are from this week--I think Monday. It was an experience..especially when there isn't any power and it is below freezing. I had a roof over my head, but wonder about the homeless or the elderly who need more help than others. I love art having majored in Art History so I added this painting, which I love, but never posted. These are photos from the city where I live and the quilt photo is from where I use to live. I want to start posting things which I make, create, bake, cook etc...or read. Right now, I'm trying to finish a book written on's interesting. Life has really changed....I'm sure for some people out there who deal with the snow all the time it is no big deal when they live in Chicago etc... or if they are in California they are probably oblivious to any of this going on....sort of like everyone else when it happens to others in another part of the country and it isn't happening to them. I guess it is human nature? Right now besides studying and trying to get everything back on track because of the storm..I have bad water coming out of the kitchen faucet and I have no idea who is going to fix that...since the apartment community where I live don't be really great with the communication...and I'm watching QuiltConttogether and working on my Ray Quilt from Carolyn Friedlander. I need to post some photos of that work in progress. Also, the firefighters as ususal had to be out a lot because of all of this...and our local leaders I felt really stepped up to the plate and were really visible-despite the challenges, which they aren't use to. Until next time..............