Saturday, October 3, 2020

saturday, october 3rd:

My car is in the shop again and it is only two years old. I purchased it new. I took good care of it. So, I wonder what is up with my car? This is the second time I took the car into the shop....stay tuned with that. I live in Texas. I live in San Antonio. I've lived in different parts of Texas, but I'm a native Californian. Maybe that is why I'm having problems with my car. I've lived in Tejas for a very long time..... Before taking my car into the shop I was at a stop light along with lots of others waiting for the light to turn green. I was looking around and saw another homeless person sitting out by the curbside.....I wondered about that person and how there are so, many people in need. Sometimes when I can I try to give them some change or what have you....however, this time I didn't.....someone else did. The homeless person got up quickly and I wondered why? The person behind me gave the person their food they had just purchased somewhere along with their ice tea. I don't know who the stranger was in the car.....but I say to I love you let me count the ways. I love the thought...I love the kindness..I love the gesture....which this human being showed to another. From my perspective kindness isn't abound-like it was at one time. I took a walk to the library today to pick up another library book. Because of Covid-19 you can't go inside the library, but can order books then pick-up the media. They put your items in a plastic shopping bag and place the package on a table outside with your name. It is sort of like shopping for a book since it is in a shopping bag. Maybe that is all a person needs--to feel like they purchased something, but didn't? I just happened to stumble upon some acorns while walking away from the library. I collect them. I felt like I struck gold and the right tree because I have never seen anything quite so, beautiful as these (again) beautiful acorns. I can't wait to do something with them. I definitely want to draw and paint them on paper. I already took a photo of them. Above you can see some of my library books, which I've read and will read and I am reading. The other books belong to me. Art books. April showers may bring May flowers, but October and Fall bring beautiful, brown, round Acorn flowers. And there is something wrong with blogger and the setup.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

August14, 2020: Inspiration


Inspiration can be found in many places; however, one needs to be open to it

and that is the problem--allowing for inspiration to enter one's life

Lately, I've been inspired by music, such as, the Beastie Boys and the

great programs on Apple TV.  The majority of their programs

are inspirational, but the program Homes 

was fantastic because of the possibilities what individuals could

accomplish with architecture and the land outside

One doesn't have to live in a box

but can think outside of one

I'm also inspired by quilters who

use scraps to create new quilts with shapes and forms

and another quilter who pulls out her stash of fabric, which

didn't work exactly for her at one time, but now does several

years later

Does inspiration=time?

I'm almost done reading Just Mercy and completed my legal

class in Criminal law.  It is a paralegal degree, which I'm pursuing

 to add to my Bachelor's degree which I already have

This was an eye opener and inspiration as well

To find out that innocent people are unjustly accused of crimes

and put through the system and have their lives ruined

It happens everyday to different degrees--and once you realize

how the law works-it is a little disturbing-siding with real criminals and 

persecuting the innocent

Thankfully, there are people out there like Bryan Stevenson

from Equal Justice Initiative  who chose to help others out

rather than the green-he is inspirational

Unfortunately, the innocent accused of crimes, which they did not commit

time must pass before justice is really served

in this instance 

time does not equal inspiration

At the end of everything-I am inspired 

Inspired to read, to grow my garden, to sew, to listen to news

to create a life for myself

Inspiration around everyone if only we are open to it


Saturday, July 18, 2020

JULY 18: Forward with Photos

Public Library Before 4th of July

Across the Street

Food Bank
Food Bank

On one of my days off I visited a local library, which was closed for the day.
They were 4th of July ready with a red, white and blue banner
The small town was pretty quite with hardly any visitors

I volunteered at the local food bank on another day off from work
I created boxes of food alongside other volunteers
I believe we created something between 500 to 800 boxes
Some military personnel were there helping out
with some other things at the Food Bank

I've been watching the PBS news
in order to get another type of news form
into my life
I found out the Syrians are again attempting to find
a new home because of all the problems they
are having in their country
and a Syrian husband and wife lost their small baby
because of the cold freezing weather

Wearing the Covid-19 mask was not a priority
for these dislocated individuals

I find everything going on in the World
today rather-strange

I was awake one day-then went to sleep-and I woke up
to a very different life and world

I find it rather ironic that we are worried about wearing the mask
and it is very hot and humid in some parts of the world and country
and in other parts of the world it is cold and
no one cares about Covid because they have other problems

Everyone's problems are all different
as well as their needs


Thursday, July 9, 2020




I have always gone into libraries across the country
and as an adult was finally able to afford to purchase
books at used and new bookstores
However, now I ask
Where are the black people at the bookstores

I went into the liberal bookstore Half Price Books
yesterday and a black family went in there asking about a book, which
they had called about on the phone

The employee I could tell answered her in a very slight sort of way
"Did you tell them to put on hold for you?"

Not everyone is a savvy book buyer-like me (it does sound arrogant doesn't it)
I'm a hispanic female who didn't have much help learning how to read when
I was growing up

I had to collect aluminum cans to save to purchase my first book, but used the library
a lot

Anyway, when I went to purchase my small amount of 6.00 I had to deal
with that ugly employee.  By that time the black family had left.

Because of Covid the store was nearly empty of readers and buyers
I waited in line only to be slighted as well, "Are you ready!"
That is when I had to say something-not so nice-for me and that family

Again, today another bookstore, Barnes and Nobel
Again, the same thing-this time searching for a book, which was suppose to be
on the bookshelf

These two women both Caucasian (white) in their 20's getting to stand behind
the counter with jobs--while the black and hispanic community are the most
unemployed--having to keep these two lousy employees in jobs
Doesn't make much sense does it
only to be given zero in return
I speak more for the black community because they have no representation at the bookstores
Having driven to California and Asheville--it is the same thing

If a difference is really suppose to happen then it needs to begin at the bookstores
with reading
With representation of blacks by having them work at bookstores
I was a substitute teacher for a short while and got to help
a small black kid by the name of Justice
I use to say Justice for all and he really loved it
However, Justice had problems with writing and reading
I wanted to help him out by tutoring him so, he wouldn't end
up being a statistic-it didn't happen for several reasons;

I say:  Black Lives do Matter and they need to be represented at the bookstores
So, that when black families come into the stores they won't be slighted, but
they will be comfortable

Black by nature-Proud by choice
You don't need a lousy white employee to make you
feel proud
even when they are holding up signs

LOVE not IGNORANCE read TO open YOUR minds
obviously those two don't read

Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 7: Silence=Violence: B is for black, L is for lives, M is for matter: no photo day


b is for black l is for lives m is for matter

God created the entire Universe and the entire crayola box
God created Night and Day
in black and white
the day is clear with blue skies and green trees and the visibility
is great
the night is dark with glittery stars above the sky and the visible
moon ahead
the day doesn't have monsters lurking about
but the night which comes about does
it is a myth told by the circle of liars
because bad things do happen
even in the clear day
with rosy red flowers
which drip with
red paint

I saw Pastor Osteen and Pastor Gray today (Saturday) streaming.  I thought their conversation was interesting and do believe something does need to be done.  I am a hispanic female who lived in Houston for 20 years and now lives in San Antonio and a native Californian.  My life changed drastically when I moved to San Antonio.  My rights have been violated--possibly because I can now "hear" when I couldn't before except regular hearing. I will just leave it at that.  However,  I wanted to ask Pastor Gray a question:  Although, filming George Floyd brought something to our attention--I wonder if it would have been more humane if the person filming this sensationalist episode should have put his/her cell phone down and helped the man out instead?  Didn't this person contribute to this murder as well--by just standing by and not doing something instead? What happened to the "Good Samaritan". What was this person afraid of?  Or were they afraid? Why is it okay to have strength in numbers to now tell the police force--what they did was wrong--they are suppose to uphold the law not become one of the criminals-that one is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?  Why couldn't this "important" person holding the stupid cell phone not have gone over and told the cops--you are doing something wrong--or gotten others involved---or called 911 to let someone know something bad was happening.  Where was the strength in numbers--then?  I suppose these people who hold up their little signs--like in downtown Houston---silence=violence---mean well, but I get the feeling they would have been silent if George Floyd had been murdered in front of them and they would have walked by--or perhaps just filmed it on their self-important cell phone and posted it for human consumption on their social media page.   This person who filmed George Floyd being murdered-------was it more important to film--or should it have been more important to have stood up and done something about it and perhaps "saved a life"?  Has everyone lost their minds as to what is more important--I wonder all the time--living here in San Antonio, when I visit Houston sometimes......I would have done the right thing.   When I was around five living in Sacramento, California I accidentally fell into a duck pond and I didn't know how to swim.  I made it out looking at the ducks paddle to the edge of the pond and trying to copy them and hoping the edge was there.  When I found the edge and pulled myself up I saw some "Caucasian" adults standing at the edge, "Oh, that was dangerous-you should have been more careful" one said.  And at five I wondered why none of them had bothered to jump in to save me--a five year old, but instead stood around and watched.  These are just some things I'm dealing with in my life---sort of like you-to whomever can identify with the above

Land of hypocrites
strength in numbers only
night whispers-little voices

by rebeca

Wish you the best Pastor(s) Osteen and Gray

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May 6th: a new brave world?:

Statue of Liberty: New York City

New Normal Face

New York New York under seige like 9/11 again
I sometimes wonder why New York
has to deal with so many unpleasant things

Maybe because of the financial and communications sector?

Maybe it's the greatest city in the World--the French thought so
at one time--when they gave New York and the United States
the Statue of Liberty

I found this image online with the caption the new normal
I actually find this offensive
I don't consider anything about wearing a face mask to be "normal".

They act like this is permanent--it is actually a form of terrorism
and my constitutional rights  are being violated
For example, whatever your religion- our religious rights were violated
because there is a clear division between Church and State
Some would argue: well it was done for our safety etc....
However, the point is the government did not have the right to cross
this border....and the pastors could have had more services
Once you cross a certain line--good luck getting it back or not
having any of your other constitutional rights be violated

I was not brought up wearing a mask on my face nor having anything
wrapped around my face and I find this offensive when
someone considers this the "new normal"--it is not

To consider this normal is really idiotic

However, some are having fun with this--creating face masks
that are fashionable
I saw a man today who was dressed very casually and had a black 
elastic knit material bandana tied to his head
I wondered where his ugly mask was at before he entered
the local grocery store

I realized, "Oh he had elevated the ugly mask to be fashion and to fit
his casual and chic style".  It had become part of him.  So,
much so, the ugly mask was not obvious

I thought---the ugly mask had arrived--people were now creating fashion out of it

I've seen lots of face masks out there created by so many individuals who can sew and use interesting fabric to fit their fashion style--but when I saw this man dressed
with flip flops, long baggy light blue shorts and a light blue shirt and he had
his black mask tied to his forehead --I thought how creative
He had made the ugly mask his--he had control of the ugly mask

I am a very positive person who likes to create things ( I am) and I will
However, right now this is what is going on with me

I love the United States, New York City, the Statue of Liberty
and I reallllly
and anyone who thinks this is "the new normal" for me
or anyone else

As a  true Patriot
it couldn't be any other way
and I do understand hate is a very strong word to use

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

April 2020:


california zinna


tree house

modern quilt from Houston quilt show

around the city

my sewing area


pop art and food bank

art which reminds me of the quilt above

pop art made by me when I was in 7th grade

Public Transportation still running-a positive sign

I'm continuing with my pop art and modern art theme
I'm also listening to NPR and Terry Gross and David Rhode 
He has a book out called In Deep--
He is interesting and so, is she

I took several classes in college dealing with Pop Art and fell in love with it
As a 7th grader in California I knew nothing of PoP Art
I created the Lysol painting above
The other students around me wanted to know, "Why are
you painting that?"  I said, "because it smells nice and my mom uses it."
I also was thinking- I like this image and want to paint it

I turned the painting in---a couple of weeks later the
teacher handed our projects back--I laid the painting down
on the table because I was busy with the new project in art class
After a few minutes I turned it around and received an A- and wondered
why the teacher had given me an "A"
I didn't think he was going to like it and thought it was dumb
Later on as an adult I realized why I had received an "A"
I had created pop art when I didn't know anything about it
I was in keeping with Andy Warhol and didn't know who
Andy Warhol was as a 7th grader
I love Andy Warhol and found out he was a magazine reader
and so, were the other pop artists
I always felt guilty about being a magazine reader 
I also like to keep my magazines, but unlike Andy Warhol (who passed away) my
magazines do not have a "room of their own"
I never felt guilty again for being a magazine reader
or following my instincts

My sampler--from Posie--I'm enjoying working on that (still)
flowers, basil-outdoors

A tree house, which sits empty, and was once used by some
little children 
It makes me wonder--where those kids are now

I wonder about myself and everyone--the past, present and the future

The quilt from the Houston Quilt show (I don't remember the artist) and the work of
art from the museum--look alike

My small project I am working on and enjoying the creation
Creating something during this pandemic time

My small collection of Pop Art things---the bookmarker
from the library, which is conjunction with the
local Food Bank....before the pandemic

Now the Food Bank is being heavily utilized
I used it once and wanted to pay it forward by
volunteering, which I did twice
the last time was somewhat sad...because

There weren't a lot of volunteers and there were a lot of people
who needed help.....small children attempting to do their
part by organizing the back of the car they were in... in order to make
room for more items....

Maybe this is where the kids from the tree house have disappeared
to--instead of running and playing they are now having to become
aware of things, which I wish they didn't need to deal with
at an early age

When I left the Food Bank-after volunteering- I saw the long line of vehicles still waiting
for help---I found it disturbing and I realized again
this truly was real

Like 9/11 and the economic meltdown of 2008
the World and the United States is taking a hit again
and so, is New York

Our economy is suffering and so, are the people
but we will rise again

Be positive, create, read, listen, embrace and be safe


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

new life:

public art

home architecture of the past (art)

kid art gallery

lone star iron of the past (art)

quilt show (fabric art)

glass art at library

fashion designer (art)(shop now closed)

graffiti art on unused building

museum art at the mcnay

more museum art at the mcnay

paint by numbers art and cross-stitch art 

art created by mother nature and God

vw automobile design from the past (art)

I've been listening to the radio a lot especially since we are suppose to be staying at home
Attempting to keep busy with this and that and I am

I took these photos awhile back not too long ago before all of this happened world wide
When I think back not too long ago while looking at these photos--I still can't believe
what is happening with people getting ill
However, if I go to get this and that or fresh air it makes me happy to see
people walking and speaking to one another

I majored in art history with a minor in history so, I love art of all types
I find art everywhere including the museum
The VW I found while driving and I love it
I wish I was like Carmen Diaz in the film Knight and Day and could re-do this car
The top needs to be replaced--same color only new
I wonder why VW hasn't re-made this car?
I wouldn't change the design

I love all these photos as well as the art gallery made by some talented kids

The designer's shop closed. She designed clothes at one time before fashion runway existed
I never went in, but was sad when I saw the shop was closed
The building is beautiful and I hope the next owner keeps it intact
She was an artist...and was successful because she tried

At times there are some individuals out there somewhere who take everything literal
and want to tinker in people's lives......they don't seem to understand
that playing god in a human life is.....not a good thing....because I said above
the designer was an artist and was successful because she tried.....hopefully
the tinkers don't attempt to play god with ones life
and wouldn't allow one to fail or succeed on their own...because it isn't
up to them...

All the above is art......

what do you think? do you create art?

keep safe and remain positive


Saturday, March 28, 2020

maker: saturday

too many books too little time: but I love the library
my americana quilt

sewing my quilt

bread making day

making sure the yeast will work

bread: mission accomplished

Today I decided to make and bake bread because I ran out
and I didn't want to run out to the grocery store to replenish this item
I know how to make bread thanks to my former mother-in-law
who taught me this skill a very long time ago
I wanted to save money because of what is going on in the world
and US and I also thought, "hey that would be two less loaves
off the grocery shelf that possibly someone else can use".
So, it was a win-win situation for me and someone else

It wasn't difficult making this bread there are lots of recipes out
there and youtube.
I only used the following ingredients:
7 cups of bread flour. two yeast packets. 2 1/4 cups of water
3 tablespoons of olive oil. 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar. 1 tablespoon of salt. 3 tablespoons of sugar

I decided to use olive oil because I thought it was healthier than butter and because of the
milk shortage and the expense of butter-I thought let me substitute the ingredients
plus it maybe more flavorful

I decided to add the quilt even though I completed this project about three years ago-it seems like
it was yesterday--I am very proud of this quilt because it was my second quilt and
the first one created with a sewing machine--the first one was a sampler created
completely by hand---Someone in American Fork, Utah quilted this for me
and there are other reasons why I'm very proud of this quilt--plus it came out great
I love using it--even when I go to the park---it is very useful--and the time I put into
it was worth it

I love reading----and I have a little personal library---but I love the public library--the photo above was
before the shutdown

I'm listening to NPR and heard a man being interviewed--he and his wife are washing their
clothes in the tub--I thought that was interesting and funny because I was doing this
before all this shutdown business occurred

I don't have a washer or dryer, attempting to save money and the laundry mats don't have hot
water even though it is an option on the machine---I guess it costs the owner extra for
hot water----and sometimes the machines barely have water inside them--and the
clothes don't come out very clean, but the same when I put them in the wash
me and the tub do a better job
I was going to take a photo of this---in case it helps or inspires someone else out there
but I thought--well it may be TMI (too much information) and overkill

and sometimes using your imagination is better----like a good book above

Hope everyone is well----I pray for world peace

from rebeca

Friday, March 27, 2020

new life:march 27, 2020

at the mcnay museum

austin book festival

little empire state building:san antonio:former sears building


downtown flowers

quilting artist from spain at the houston quilt festival

memorial day

driving by an older neighborhood with beautiful old homes

walking somewhere in the downtown area

I had another blog and got locked out of it
so, I am beginning another blog
My blog will be my journal where I post about lots of different things
which I am interested in......I am one of those individuals
And because of the corona virus and so many things being shut down
I decided to begin this new blog
I love books/reading, art, history, politics, cooking/baking, pets/animals/nature,
art and crafts, artist, magazines, technology, music, science, law, photography, films and life...
hopefully I didn't leave anything out
I'm getting to read, study, listen to the news and listen to podcasts
Like everyone I find what is happening world wide astonishing
I worry about myself, but others out there who are living paycheck to paycheck
and the homeless and domestic violence victims who have to remain in their homes
and the elderly who may not be able to make it out to re-stock or are short on funds
and can't get their meals in the United States we are
conditioned a certain way and don't have the same problems as another country
who does not have running water and/or are battling another disease called ebola, such
as, Africa. However, I believe we should do our part to help those in need in the
United States who may not have all the basic the homeless etc..
Like other individuals I dislike the hoarding, which is taking place--it is
wrong...not right.  In school they teach students about the Holocaust and about
Anne Frank who perished during World War II and we ask ourselves, "how
could this have possibly occurred"?  "How could an Adolf Hitler have risen
to great heights"?  It begins in small stages with small actions, such as, this
hoarding, which is taking place.  It is beneath us as citizens of the United States.
We should look to the history....during World War II and see how
the citizens of this great country and others made things happen during that period.  They used
rationing coupons...for example.  At the end everyone was fine
with the rationing coupons.  And so, everyone should be fine and
should not hoard.  The products are there available...when you are
almost about to run out of a product....then do what you did before
and replenish it.  The grocery stores are having to mark everything
up in order to control customers from purchasing more than they should.
At the end you are hurting yourself not only with your pocketbook, but
as a human being as well.  I was almost running out of toilet paper
and so, I replenished just as I had before.  I found paper...there wasn't
a problem.  And I've even told a few persons whom I know that I am
willing to share....if they can't find paper.  I did this before, but
now I am having to pay a little more for a little less because of the
hoarding.  What is funny about my situation is the following: Before
we were told to stay in this was like two weeks ago I went to a local
store to buy toilet paper and the aisles were full.  My great concern was
choosing what toilet paper I could afford, which was of better quality
since I am on a budget.  Now the aisles are empty.....but
one can still find toilet paper like I did the other day when it was
time to replenish as I have done in the past.
I wish others would deal with this in the same manner and not
hurt themselves by being a hoarder, which is a negative and
not a positive. After all you don't want to wonder if you
would have blindly followed an Adolf Hitler and
gone along with the Holocaust and not done the
right thing.  This is the time to rise above all
this.....and test yourselves....and ask yourselves..
can we do the right thing and not the wrong thing
as citizens of the United States and as true human beings.

I hope you enjoy the photos and I do have a flicker account
that you can visit.  I would love for you to comment
Be safe..... from rebeca