Saturday, July 18, 2020

JULY 18: Forward with Photos

Public Library Before 4th of July

Across the Street

Food Bank
Food Bank

On one of my days off I visited a local library, which was closed for the day.
They were 4th of July ready with a red, white and blue banner
The small town was pretty quite with hardly any visitors

I volunteered at the local food bank on another day off from work
I created boxes of food alongside other volunteers
I believe we created something between 500 to 800 boxes
Some military personnel were there helping out
with some other things at the Food Bank

I've been watching the PBS news
in order to get another type of news form
into my life
I found out the Syrians are again attempting to find
a new home because of all the problems they
are having in their country
and a Syrian husband and wife lost their small baby
because of the cold freezing weather

Wearing the Covid-19 mask was not a priority
for these dislocated individuals

I find everything going on in the World
today rather-strange

I was awake one day-then went to sleep-and I woke up
to a very different life and world

I find it rather ironic that we are worried about wearing the mask
and it is very hot and humid in some parts of the world and country
and in other parts of the world it is cold and
no one cares about Covid because they have other problems

Everyone's problems are all different
as well as their needs


Thursday, July 9, 2020




I have always gone into libraries across the country
and as an adult was finally able to afford to purchase
books at used and new bookstores
However, now I ask
Where are the black people at the bookstores

I went into the liberal bookstore Half Price Books
yesterday and a black family went in there asking about a book, which
they had called about on the phone

The employee I could tell answered her in a very slight sort of way
"Did you tell them to put on hold for you?"

Not everyone is a savvy book buyer-like me (it does sound arrogant doesn't it)
I'm a hispanic female who didn't have much help learning how to read when
I was growing up

I had to collect aluminum cans to save to purchase my first book, but used the library
a lot

Anyway, when I went to purchase my small amount of 6.00 I had to deal
with that ugly employee.  By that time the black family had left.

Because of Covid the store was nearly empty of readers and buyers
I waited in line only to be slighted as well, "Are you ready!"
That is when I had to say something-not so nice-for me and that family

Again, today another bookstore, Barnes and Nobel
Again, the same thing-this time searching for a book, which was suppose to be
on the bookshelf

These two women both Caucasian (white) in their 20's getting to stand behind
the counter with jobs--while the black and hispanic community are the most
unemployed--having to keep these two lousy employees in jobs
Doesn't make much sense does it
only to be given zero in return
I speak more for the black community because they have no representation at the bookstores
Having driven to California and Asheville--it is the same thing

If a difference is really suppose to happen then it needs to begin at the bookstores
with reading
With representation of blacks by having them work at bookstores
I was a substitute teacher for a short while and got to help
a small black kid by the name of Justice
I use to say Justice for all and he really loved it
However, Justice had problems with writing and reading
I wanted to help him out by tutoring him so, he wouldn't end
up being a statistic-it didn't happen for several reasons;

I say:  Black Lives do Matter and they need to be represented at the bookstores
So, that when black families come into the stores they won't be slighted, but
they will be comfortable

Black by nature-Proud by choice
You don't need a lousy white employee to make you
feel proud
even when they are holding up signs

LOVE not IGNORANCE read TO open YOUR minds
obviously those two don't read